Shoot rules
All guns are to be made safe(broken) and kept unloaded whenever not in use, preferably kept in gun slips or in the gun stands provided. Guns are only to be loaded when you are in the shooting stands and the drives are about to start.
All shots MUST have a valid shotgun licence, and have valid shooting insurance to be able to shoot on the day. These will be checked before shooting commences.
Never point a gun at somebody, even if its unloaded. Only point it at the clay targets up range, never bring your gun barrels across the line of shooters and keep gun barrels within the cage space.
Ear, eye and head protection MUST be worn at all times when shooting commences.
Anybody found acting dangerously and irresponsible will be asked to retire from the shoot immediately.
Fibre wad cartridges as cattle are grazed on the land.
Please keep to the lanes and walk ways provided, and please use the bins for any litter and spent cartridge cases.
Please do not shoot at any of the wildlife, just the intended targets.
Semi-auto shot guns are to have a safety flag fitted when not in use.
Alcohol should not have been consumed prior or during the shoot, there is plenty of time after the shoot!
The establishment is not responsible for any accidents or injury whilst on this property.
The establishment cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused to any vehicles or property whilst on these premises – vehicles parked at own risk. It is your responsibility for the security of your firearms and ammunition, please ensure they are always kept with you, or locked away and secure in your vehicle.
Air rifles must be made safe, with there bolt open and any magazines removed, before any targets down range are adjusted or replaced.
Air rifles must only be fired at the targets between the red marker/distance flags.